God’s Feeding Hands is a tax-exempt not-for-profit [501(c)(3)], food pantry and mission center that serves all of Polk County Arkansas. God’s Feeding Hands’goal is to alleviate hunger in Polk County by collecting and packaging food for distribution.
Our services are centered around our community needs! God’s Feeding Hands receives support from charitable organizations, corporate sponsorship, and individual donations. We cannot operate if we do not receive support from these programs!
Many of the Polk County residents qualify for assistance from God’s Feeding Hands. Our client base is low-income people, mainly families who need emergency help to put food on their tables. Nearly half of those served by this program are children. God’s Feeding Hands operates a warehouse facility where we store purchased food, donated food, or rescued food for distribution.
Our services improve the ability of families to care for their children, and achieve goals of self-sufficiency. God’s Feeding Hands Mission Center is a small investment in comparison to the cost of ignoring the problem of hunger in Polk county, and the influence it has on a number of health and crime issues. We serve every second and fourth Monday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Our purpose for God’s Feeding Hands Mission Center is to:
- Distribute food to the needy every second and fourth Monday 9 am – 12 pm!
- Run a House of Prayer!
- Provide Bible studies!
- Handout Media tracks!
- Offer Recovery classes!
- Give healthy cooking schools!
- Promote a healthy lifestyle through health talks!
Our staff members are “100% volunteers.”
You can visit God’s Feeding Hands Mission Center at http://www.godsfeedinghands.com/
Larry & I resigned from the Vegetarian Soup Kitchen ministry that we ran in the Mena Seventh-day Adventist Church, and have begun a new welfare ministry called “God’s Feeding Hands.” God impressed us to leave the Vegetarian Soup Kitchen in order for us to start this new ministry for Him. It is a self-supporting ministry and by Gods grace we became a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization on November 14, 2014. We are extremely excited about this new ministry and we praise the Lord for this opportunity to serve Him!
The other morning as I was praying about our new ministry “God’s Feeding Hands”, the Lord impressed me to contact 3ABN to see if we could come up and do a interview on 3ABN Today to share with the world what God has laid upon our hearts. I sent them a short testimony about “God’s Feeding Hands” and I am awaiting their response. I pray that we can go and share with everyone this calling from God and to let the world know of our needs! We have nothing, but our Father in heaven owns everything! We are waiting to watch what our God will do for His ministry!

Larry never built a website before, but with Gods help he was able to build a website for this ministry, and I think he did a great job! Since we didn’t have the resources to pay for a website, we had to go with a free website from Weebly.com. An amazing thing happened after we published the website, and that was a brother in Christ contacted us and told us that he bought the domain name for Godsfeedinghands.com and Godsfeedinghands.org and he did it for 5 years. What a blessing. He wanted to make sure that everyone could find the website more easily, and that they wouldn’t have to use Weebly in the address. I asked him why and who are you? Are you an angel? This is another miracle story! Praise the Lord!
As soon as we published our website, we received a $100.00 donation from online. My heart was bursting with joy, I just couldn’t stop crying and praising the Lord for being so good.
Our purpose for God’s Feeding Hands Mission Center is to:
Distribute food to the needy every second and fourth Monday 9 am – 12 pm!
Run a House of Prayer!
Provide Bible studies!
Handout Media tracks!
Offer Recovery classes!
Give healthy cooking schools!
Promote a healthy lifestyle through health talks!
When we applied to become tax-exempt through the IRS, our CPA told us that it might take at least 3 to 18 months in order to be approved. Guess what, it only took 1 week for the IRS to approve our application and for us to receive our tax exempt number. This in itself is a total miracle. It just doesn’t happen that fast! If God be for us, who can be against us!
Polk County where we live is the second poorest county in Arkansas, and more than half of the population are low income. Some of the families are struggling to put food on the table, and many children go hungry, because there is not enough to go around. The only food some children get is from the school they attend, and that is a tragedy. We decided to step out in faith with God’s ministry, “God’s Feeding Hands,” and to open a food pantry in Mena, Arkansas in order to help with the hunger problem in this area. The needs are great, but we serve a GREAT GOD who hears the cry’s of His children! We will not only feed them physically, but spiritually as well. Our goal is to share the love of Jesus with them, and introduce them to the One who has made provisions for them.
As I was thinking about a ministry name, I really wanted to put “God’s” in front of the ministry name, so that everyone would know that it is God’s function and not mans. I prayed for a ministry name and God impressed me to name it “God’s Feeding Hands”. I really loved that name, and I really wanted to use that when I had to apply to be Non-Profit Organization with the Secretary of State. When I went online to check to see if anyone had this name, I was surprised to find out that no one in the US had taken that name. I could feel that God has saved this name just for this occasion! I am just so amazed how God does all of these things. I praise the Lord for giving me the perfect name for His ministry.
We really didn’t have any resources when God impressed us to start His ministry, but I totally trusted in the Lord that He will supply all our needs. As I was making an announcement on my Facebook about this issue, some of my Facebook friends believed in this ministry and they started sending us donations. Some of them I had never met, just met them through Facebook. I could just feel the power of God’s hands in all of this. There is nothing impossible for God! Praise His Holy Name!

One morning as I was praying to the Lord, I told Him that we needed at least $3,000 for start-up money. The same morning as I opened my Facebook, I saw that one of my Facebook friends sent me a message to let me know that she wanted to send us a donation. A few days later, we received a donation from her and her husband and the donation was for $5,200. I cried with thanksgiving and joy! I could not believe that someone that I never met could do what she did. God really strengthen our faith from this donation, to say the least. God has a thousand ways to supply our needs, all we need is faith.
In order to run this ministry we needed a building. We started praying for a building or a location that we could run His ministry out of. We started doing our homework, contacting individuals, looking at possible sites and whatever we could do in order to find a home for His ministry. We just left it in God’s hands trusting that He would find us that perfect building. About 1 week ago, He answered our prayer. It was totally a God thing! His timing is always perfect, and it is always on time!
The building is about 2,100 sq ft with central air and heat. They are asking only $40,000. Yes, $40,000. You can’t buy anything with that price, especially a commercial building. We stepped out in faith, and signed a contract on the building. It comes with a commercial kitchen, with a 6 burners gas stove, two refrigerators, two upright freezers, a dish washer, a 15 passenger van, a washer & dryer, an L shaped desk, filing cabinet, TV, DVD player, CD player, tables, chairs, and many more items. Our God really took care of a lot of our needs! He is just soooo GOOD!
The building was originally listed as a commercial building. However when we visited Mena City Hall, they told us that this building is Zoned as a R-2, which means it is zoned as residential not commercial. They told us that we can live here if we want to and also we can run a ministry out of the location without asking for any exceptions. This was great news from the Lord, because we will save so much more on property tax, property insurance, and mortgage interest if we have to finance.
I have been praying for 15 passenger van in order to help with the hauling of groceries for His ministry, and God heard my prayers and supplied it to us. Our God is so good!
We became a Non-Profit Organization on Nov 14, 2014, and this building went on the market on Nov 15, 2014. Is this a coincidence, or is it God’s providenc?
We will close on June 8, 2015. We wanted to close earlier, but have to wait until then, in order to meet the needs of current owner.
We are praying that we will receive $40,000 before closing, in order to avoid financing. I have been praying about fundraisers, grants or what ever God impresses me to do in order to pay it off before we open “God’s Feeding Hands Mission Center.” I know that God will not stop what He has started, and I know deep down in my heart that God will do what He says!
I am just waiting patiently on the Lord!
By God’s amazing grace we opened God’s Feeding Hands Mission Center on October 26, 2015 and He has truly blessed. To God be the Glory!